
Hi, my name is Elissa Obrien, and I have been sewing and designing clothes since I was a little girl. Sewing is my passion, my life. I love to sew anything and everything.

When I first began sewing, I had to learn how to use a sewing machine, and it wasn’t long before I managed to make my own clothes.

It was only after a while that the problems started showing up; places where the thread didn’t work or closed up, pieces that wouldn’t stick together, and threads getting caught in the machine.

Elissa Obrien

I put in time and effort into fixing it, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, I gave up on sewing for good. And then it happened-my mother told me about how she had to give up on sewing at my age and how she now enjoys her hobby of knitting.

It made me feel better knowing that it wasn’t just me who failed at sewing. Now when I make clothes for my daughter, I just pass them over for her mother to sew back together and enjoy the process of knitting myself with my mother.

Do you want to sew but don’t know where to start? I am here to help. Sewing can be a fun and creative hobby for all ages.

If you love fashion or creating something with your own hands, this is the perfect hobby for you! Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, I have something that will interest you.

We have loads of simple, easy-to-follow guides and tutorials that will show you how to make DIY clothing, create your own patterns for clothes or other home items, and more!

I offer free tutorials, how-to blog posts, DIY projects, and more โ€” everything you need to discover and explore the world of sewing.

Sewing is for anyone with a sewing machine and the time, not just for those with a talent for it.

